Tips to Study

Photo by Charlotte May on

Hi lovelies want study tips? Okay let’s keep the intro short simple and sweet-Let’s jump right into the topic. 

#Concentrate and focus 

Do it. It will help you. Without concentration and focus how are you supposed to do? Distraction is the last thing you want while you study. 

#2 Select the best time for YOU 

Yes-people are different, remember diversity? I’m more of a night owl and I prefer to study to in the peaceful nights. It depends on you if you want to study at night or morning. 

#3 Sit in a place without distraction 

A bed will be a distraction so will be a phone ringing with notifications. Sit on a table where the place is quiet, calm and airy.

#4 Sit in a well-ventilated place 

Sitting in a well-ventilated and airy place will help you breathe in enough fresh air which will result in keeping your mind cool. 

#5 Make a timetable 

If You’re bad at time management, like me- this one’s gonna be a gem for you. Make a timetable. But more important is that you follow it. Yes, it doesn’t make any sense to make one if you don’t follow it 

#6 Wear comfy clothes 

Yes, you didn’t see this one coming up, did you? Whatever you are not sitting for a fashion show-so put on those oversized goodies, no one is seeing you 

stylish woman stretching leg on wooden sofa

#7 Listen to music  

Yeah, it can help you, it may not. It helps me when I am doing any sort of written work. 

#8 Take breaks 

Take breaks-yes very important, take breaks. After studying for a long time-continuously-yon need a break. Have a snack, drink some water or just stretch out muscles. 

#9 Reward yourself 

After completing a chapter reward yourself with the thing you love this will help you to motivate yourself and study harder 

#10 Sit with snacks and water 

Sitting with snacks and water will help you to avoid distractions of hunger and thirst. 

#11 Keep changing the subject you’re studying every two hours 

Studying a subject for 10 hours straight will annoy you do your nerves, making it boring. So, keep changing the subject. 

#12 It is better to have a hard copy of stuff 

#13 Let out your stress 

#14 Make your schedule flexible 

Hope you find this helpful.

Signing off  


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